Basic Obedience  ​Group  Training 

In the group we can re-enact typical everyday situations and specifically practise the classic topics such as impulse control, leash walking, recall and relaxed dog encounters with high levels of distraction from other dog teams. Training in a group with like-minded people is also fun and it often helps you become more relaxed when you see other dog-human teams having the same problems. 

We train in open areas, but also go into the field or sometimes into the city to make the training environment as realistic as possible. Training in the dog school has the disadvantage that the dog learns very quickly to obey on the grounds, but as soon as he leaves the field, everything is "forgotten". 

We train four topics in turns: Leash-Walking, Impulse control, Reactivity and Recall. You can chose to join as often as you want and whenever you want. Combining all four topics will provide you a well-rounded training. 

Our groups are not divided according to age or size, but are deliberately mixed. In this way, your dog learns from the start to communicate socially with a wide variety of dogs and to interact in a relaxed manner.

- Saturdays at 10 a.m.; in summer at 9:30 a.m. (at Niederursel U-Bahnstation)
The sessions can be booked flexibly and do not have to be "worked through" in a block. You can cancel free of charge.

Single session                 25 Euro 
5 Session Package       125 Euro 
10 Session Package     250 Euro